June 18, 2024

Wheel - Charismatic Leaders - Podcast Album Review

John loves himself some proggy chug. Wheel's Charismatic Leaders is full of all the progressive goodness that one could hope for. Find out what the two turds thought!

This time around Derek got progged over the head. And he liked it! 

Charismatic Leaders is the third release from Finland’s progmetal gurus Wheel.  As the resident Shit Talk prog guy, John wanted to bring it to the table. The album is great and is covered with just enough frosting for Derek (the resident thrash guy) to dig it too; the consensus is that if you dig the metal but are new to the progressive side of things, you might dig this as well.

https://www.shittalkreviews.com for all the reviews and links to casts of the pod variety.

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