Alan robert of Life of Agony. Watch and listen now. He is a killer dude.
Dec. 10, 2023

Top 10 Heavy Metal Albums of 2023 - Derek Edition

Derek has a surprising top 10 heavy metal albums of 2023 list.

It's a tall pile of heavy albums this week! Strap in as the Shit Talk Reviews knuckleheads walk through Derek's Top 10 Heavy Metal Albums of 2023. Does David J call every single albums on Derek's list? Only time will tell. Grab yourself a tasty beverage and join the fellas as Derek waxes ecstatic over 2023's best heavy albums.

Put on your showshoes and trek on over to www. for all the other podcasts, reviews and general nonsense. You are one hundred percent guaranteed to find something you like, even if it's just David J's devil beard.

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