Oct. 15, 2023

Tesseract - War Of Being - Podcast Review

Bad ass Metal is bad ass Metal. Is Tesseract’s War of Being have bad assert? Find out!

Do you dig progressive metal, loaded with top-rate compositions, killer performances and amazing production? Of course you do. Fall into your favorite chair and hang with the Sh!t Talk yahoos as they get into War Of Being, the latest album from Tesseract. We also learn that David is a part time Ninja Turtle, Derek has to fight for any opportunity to speak and that John can hardly contain his fanaticism.

Want a signed copy of URNE's new vinyl? (Signed by the members of URNE, not the STR idiots, to be clear...) Swing by https://www.shittalkreviews.com to sign up for the giveaway and you can check out a slew of other written and podcast reviews. You can even grab Derek's recipe for Knuckle Dragger Chili. (And even leave the fella's a voicemail!)

If you're watching this on YouTube, you can also find all the podcasts wherever you listen to your podcasts, and if you're a listener, you can watch some of the clips on YouTube. (That's just how much the guys need the attention. It's marginally pathetic...)

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