Aug. 19, 2024

Songs That Hit Your Right In The Soul

Songs That Hit Your Right In The Soul

The guys show their softer side and show that men are not all bone, cock and weapons. We can feel music, even of the softer variety!

Everybody has some songs or movies that hit like a ton of bricks whenever they come on. This week the Shit Talk band of misfits talk about three of their favorite songs that still have an impact on them.

Drop by for all the reviews, interviews and other good stuff.

 Here are the songs that the guys zero in on:

00:00 Intro

01:50 Metallica – One


04:55 Type O Negative – Christian Woman 

07:07 Triumph – Magic Power 

09:11 Imogen Heap – Hide And Seek

11:07 Pink Floyd – Fletcher Memorial Home  

14:13 David Gilmore – A Boat Lies Waiting  


15:58 Pink Floyd – Comfortably Numb  

17:51 Queensryche – Silent Lucidity 

20:45 Dave Matthews Band – Don’t Drink The Water  

28:10 Wrap

#Songs #powerofmusic #metallica #typeonegative #triumph #imogenheap #pinkfloyd #davidgilmore #Queensryche #davematthewsband #one #christianwoman #magicpower #hideandseek #fletchermemorialhome #aboatlieswaiting #comfortablynumb #silentlucidity #dontdrinkthewater #metal #rock #podcast #albumreview #shittalkreviews