Aug. 5, 2023

Podcast Interview with Boston Hardcore Icon Keith Bennett

Interview with Boston Hardcore Icon Keith Bennett of Death Ray Vision.

We were stoked to sit down for a conversation with Boston singer and bass player Keith Bennett. A true veteran in the Boston scene, Keith has been crushing it with bands like Wrecking Crew, PanzerBastard, Casket Rats and now Death Ray Vision. We talk the Boston scene history, the passion of music fans and why Goth clubs are some of the greatest places on the planet. 

Any hockey fans in the house? If things go well, Keith will have to carve more time out of his already busy schedule when he and our very own David J get called up to the NHL. (Make no mistake, it's gonna happen...)

Be sure to check our Instagram profile for links to all our podcast reviews (including our review of Death Ray Vision's latest album No Mercy From Electric Eyes) and everything Sh!t Talk.

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