Patriarchs In Black - Visioning - Album Review
Patriarchs in Black Visioning is a chefs kiss to Black Sabbath. The guys get into why the record is a worthy ode to Sabbath and other metal genres.
The trifecta of Shit Talk procrastination finally sat down to talk about Visioning, the latest album from Patriarchs In Black. In their third full length release, the duo of Dan Lorenzo (CASISUS KING, DAN LORENZO SOLO BAND, HADES, VESSEL OF LIGHT, NON-FICTION, THE CURSED) and Johnny Kelly (TYPE O NEGATIVE, DANZIG and A PALE HORSE NAMED DEATH among others) have dropped another strong ode to one of the original masters of metal, Black Sabbath. As with their last album My Veneration, the team brought in a slew of heavy hitters to contribute on this album. It’s a fun listen, complete with classic Lorenzo riffs and a few surprises along the way!
There’s a bunch of great feels in the tracks, with each guest musician contributing their own style to the project. It’s a long list with Mark Sunshine (RIOTGOD, UNIDA,) Karl Agell (ex-COC), Darryl McDaniel (RUN DMC,) Rob Traynor, Kelly Abe, Frankie Diaz, Kyle Thomas (EXHORDER, AORTHA, ALABAMA THUNDERPUSSY,) and Jason McMaster (WATCH TOWER, CASSIUS KING, EVIL UNITED) all contributing vocals throughout the album. Iron Lou, Dave Neabore (DOG EAT DOG,) Johnny Araya, Sal Iuvara, Eric Morgan (A PALE HORSE NAMED DEATH, FIRST ORDER) and Eazy Ezekiel provide bass and there’s even a DJ spinning this time around; Jason Donnelly (DJ PUZZLE.)
Be sure to hit up for all the album reviews and interviews.
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