May 6, 2024

Melvins - Tarantula Heart - Album Review

Melvins Tarantula Heart Review by the guys. The Melvins put out a new album almost every year. The question is, how good is this record. The guys tell you....have a listen.

For fans of the wild, sludgy, trudge, awesomeness that is MELVINS, it’s a great week with the release of their new album Tarantula Heart. It’s a beast of a record and the guys were psyched to talk about it. Grab yourself a glass of some of the world’s best lemonade (Country Time Lemonade; It’s not just for the summer, it’s good ALL YEAR ROUND…) and have a listen as the buffoons get into it. 

The review is up now on YouTube and will be on all streaming platforms within the hour.

As always, all of the Shit Talk Reviews podcasts, album reviews, Quickies and recipes for butter lemon cookies can be found at

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