Alan robert of Life of Agony. Watch and listen now. He is a killer dude.
June 13, 2024

Kerry King - From Hell I Rise - Album Review

John and Derek get into Kerry King's masterful From Hell I Rise.

John and Derek sat down this time around to do the Devil’s Work. (Or rather, to chat about Kerry King’s new album From Hell I Rise.) It’s all Kerry King, but with enough touches of the Slayer to keep the diehard fans into it. It’s got so much power that Derek wants to run back to the woods in Vermont and start throwing beer kegs around if that’s any indication… It’s a strong record and definitely worth checking out.

 You can find all the other reviews and shenaniganry at as well as step by step instructions on how to crochet a really cute scarf for Aunt Janine. Swing by for a visit. You’re SURE to be completely whelmed by the experience.

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