Aug. 20, 2023

Humanity's Last Breath - Ashen - Podcast Review

Humanity's Last Breath - Ashen - Podcast and video review. Sink your teeth into this juggernaut.

This week the Sh!t Talk Reviews idiots go super heavy with a conversation about Ashen, the latest release from Humanity's Last Breath. It's a seriously heavy album and for the STR guys, it led some realizations: David J's personal fan count is by far the highest, Derek's Boston is better than anyone else's Boston, and John is a crazy secretive Celine Dion fan.

Sh!t Talk Reviews is lucky enough to have some great friends. Christian is one of those guys. Christian and his father recently lost their home along with everything they owned in a freak fire, if you'd like to contribute a few bucks and help them rebuild their lives, please feel free to click the link below.

Stop by our new site to check out all the podcast reviews, written reviews, links to playlists, stickers and all that. You can even leave your thoughts on the housing market. We're open to damn near anything.

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