Alan robert of Life of Agony. Watch and listen now. He is a killer dude.
Sept. 10, 2023

Filter - The Algorithm - Podcast Review

It's all about Filter this week as the guys talk about The Algorithm. Richard Patrick is back at it with a new record and because it's Filter, they just had to talk about it.

It's all about Filter this week as the guys talk about The Algorithm. Richard Patrick is back at it with a new record and because it's Filter, they just had to talk about it.  Tune in to see if David did any research on this album, if Derek yearns for his college days in the back of an F-150 and if John can keep his extremities attached to his torso. (Hint - He cannot.)

Be sure to swing by for links to this podcast as well as all the other episodes, written reviews, sticker packs and recipes for Gammy's oatmeal cookies. (Spoiler alert - They're FANTASTIC.)

#filter #thealgorithm #crossovermusic #podcast #albumreview