Alan robert of Life of Agony. Watch and listen now. He is a killer dude.
Jan. 31, 2025

David Gilmour - Luck And Strange - Album Review

David Gilmour - Luck And Strange - Album Review

David Gilmour is one of those masterful songwriters and musicians who seemingly can do no wrong. His latest release, Luck And Strange is another fantastic album that seems to fit David's current station in life and includes many of his family members who all bring their own great flavors to the record. Sit down with the Shit Talk malcontents as they wax philosophic about this great album. (And then listen to the album in its entirety!)

You already know where to go to check out all the other album reviews and interviews with awesome people, but in the event you've recently been smashed in the head with a rock and have lost all your memories, the site is

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