Oct. 8, 2023

Concert Review & Trip Ramblings - Death Ray Vision, Exhumed, Incite, Cavalera Conspiracy

RAMBLE WARNING! This time around, the morons (under the guise of having been busy,) aren’t talking about an album. After some time on the road the Sh!t Talk chuckleheads ramble on (ad nauseum) about their trip to New England,

RAMBLE WARNING! This time around, the morons (under the guise of having been busy,) aren’t talking about an album. After some time on the road the Sh!t Talk chuckleheads ramble on (ad nauseum) about their trip to New England, the astonishing Boston tour guide that is Keith Bennett and a killer show at The Paradise Rock Club (Death Ray Vision, Incite, Exhumed and Cavalera Conspiracy.) A great show at a great venue, packed with choice people (and excellent beer.) 

Boston is a great city. If you haven’t experienced
it yet, do it. So much to do, to see, to eat and all kinds of music. (You can
even get Country Time Lemonade there!) Be sure to drop by Armageddon Shop for
amazing music and vibes! Before you make your travel plans, be sure to swing by
the STR website at https://www.shittalkreviews.com and pick up your neck
pillow, Dramamine and dopp kit. 

#boston #deathrayvision #incite #exhumed
#cavaleraconspiracy #paradiselounge #metalshow #livemusic #podcast
#armageddonshop #livemusic