July 12, 2024

Cavalera Conspiracy - Schizophrenia - Album Review

The guys get into Cavalera Conspiracy - Schizophrenia. Track by track we talk about how this might be one of the greatest re-recorded metal albums ever.

This episode the Shit Talk triumvirate yak about Schizophrenia, the latest album from Cavalera Conspiracy. Of course, as the majority of the content on the record was first released in 1987 by Sepultura, one could be forgiven for saying it’s technically a Sepultura album. In any case, the Brothers Cavalera have dropped a freshly re-recorded version that includes two new tracks written by Max and it’s a stunner. 

Derek sets himself up for a beatdown by either Rhianna or Max’s lovely wife Gloria, David is selling of his celebrity wardrobe and John is on the lookout for some Rototoms. Grab a cold one and sit down with the jackwagons for a chat about the re-recorded Schizophrenia.

Feel free to drop by https://www.shittalkreviews.com for some sticker swag, leave the guys a voicemail and check out the other album review conversations and interviews.

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