Category 7 - Category 7 - Album Review
Category 7 is an American heavy metal supergroup formed in 2023. Its lineup features Armored Saint and former Anthrax frontman John Bush, Kerry King sideman and former Machine Head guitarist Phil Demmel, Adrenaline Mob guitarist Mike Orlando, Exodus bassist Jack Gibson, and Overkill and Shadows Fall drummer Jason Bittner. John and Derek get into this record and tell you what they think.
Definition of a Super Group:
noun: super-group
- an exceptionally successful rock group or one formed by musicians already famous from playing in other groups.
Derek and John sat down to yap about the latest metal super group to hit the scene: Category 7. Made up of five power hitters, the self-titled debut album brings modern power and the nostalgia of solid 80s metal. With John Bush (Armored Saint, Anthrax) Jason Bittner (Shadows Fall, Overkill) Phil Demmel (Machine Head, Violence) Mike Orlando (Adrenaline Mob, Nocturnal) and Jack Gibson (Exodus) it would have been a trial to release an album that sucked. As it happens, their first release decidedly DID NOT SUCK. Grab a seat and have a listen. (Then like, subscribe and comment about what jokers John and Derek really are…)
You know what the single greatest website in the internet’s history is? We can tell you one thing with certainty: It’s not BUT, if you WERE to go there, you’d find all the other album reviews the Shit Talk crew has done along with a slew of interviews and other assorted nonsense. So you should check it out. Seriously. You won’t win a new car or a dream vacation house, but you will have seen some swanky music stuff.
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