Aug. 26, 2024

Brian Fair (Shadows Fall, Overcast, Downpour) - Interview

We sit down with Grammy nominated lead throat of Shadows Fall, Brian Fair. What a fucking honor!

The guys sat down this week for a chat with the legendary vocalist (and fitness guru) from Shadows Fall, Overcast and Downpour, the one and only Brian Fair. They talk about sports (with balls and discs of all shapes,) Brian’s long musical history, Derek groping Brian’s junk in years past, Phish, and the mechanics of what it takes to maintain a voice over the course of almost 40 years of fronting heavy bands.

 Be sure to check out for all the reviews, interviews and instructions on the best way to plant your perennials.

 00:00 Welcome

00:40 Sports (flat, disc-like ball sports, round ball sports, oblong ball sports, etc.)

02:56 Derek’s non-consensual gropeage, the return of Shadows Fall and new SF music

06:00 New England Metal Fest

07:10 Brian’s musical history

08:35 What Brian’s listening to

10:30 The Metal Hippy Workout videos

14:05 Downpour

16:00 Spirituality and lyrics

18:50 Another Hero Lost

21:10 Style choices and Melissa Cross

25:25 When Brian “chewed through his own umbilical cord” (and how he got started singing)

29:20 Overcast 

32:32 New record label, Shadows Fall and the new school of label representation

38:38 Wrap up


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