Alan robert of Life of Agony. Watch and listen now. He is a killer dude.
June 3, 2023

Inhuman Nature and Ninth Realm - Split EP

Inhuman Nature and Ninth Realm - Split EP

The future of #crossoverthrash is that of pikes and battle axes. The proof is in this two track beast from Inhuman Nature and Ninth Realm.
“Take Them By Force” is a health serving audio beheadings from Inhuman Nature. Gunfire riffs, big gang vocals and Ben Taylor does his best Kerry King impersonation. The track is a war anthem for metal heads. A hefty blech from Chris Barling leads into a riff assault with a Power Trip like ferocity. Wall of death anyone?
“Against The Gods” by Ninth Realm has some guitar tones that cut deep! The slow build in rhythm leads to a wonderful payoff with an enraged Ben Hageage, who channels Max Cavalera a bit! Gallop drums and chaotic riffs allow Ben to confess his sins in a way that will will please fans of the early Big Four. (do I need to tell you who they are?) Liam McMahon’s solo to close the track will demand attention live. Ripping!
I love split EP’s from young and hungry bands. It shows they want to stay top of mind and are hungry to be seen and heard. These two track show that both bands will take the industry by force. Keep an eye on both and be sure to feed them meat of any kind when they are in the road! These heathers don’t care and take what they want!

8.5 out of 10. No wall is high enough to keep them out! #thrash #thrashmetal #thrashtilldeath #thrashmetalband #heathens
