The latest release from the Cavalera metal dynasty is here and it doesn’t disappoint. Comprised of Igor Amadeus Cavalera (Healing Magic) Max Cavalera (Sepultura, Soulfly, Cavalera Conspiracy) and Johnny Valles (Ensepulcher,) Go Ahead And Die b…
As a metal fan, I was ecstatic to receive the latest offering from Baroness. The band, comprising of John Baizley, Nick Jost, Sebastian Thomson and Gina Gleason, brings a fusion of stoner, doom metal and rock, which results in an absolute eargasm. D…
If you're looking for an album that'll get you pumped, look no further than Clutch's PA Tapes (Live in Nashville) album. Recorded during their 2022 tour, this album showcases the raw power and energy that only a live Clutch show can hammer. Right f…
If you are new to High on Fire, here is the broad-brush stroke. Formed in 1998. Mike Pike is a real like barbarian and is the band's frontman and founder, also plays guitar for Sleep. High on Fire won the 2019 Grammy Award for Best Metal Performance…
Our good friend @dfrost.jpg turned us onto Rickshaw Billie’s Burger Patrol and damn are we glad he did.Occasionally you happen across new music that turns your wheels. Rickshaw Billie’s Burger Patrol 2022 release Doom Wop not o…
Kenny Hickey (Type O Negative), Kirk Windstein (Crowbar, Down), Johnny Kelly (Type O Negative & 100 other bands), and Todd Strange (Crowbar, Down) created a song in three days recently. Considering the members, you would think this would be a do…