Oct. 10, 2023

Baroness - Stone

Baroness - Stone

As a metal fan, I was ecstatic to receive the latest offering from Baroness. The band, comprising of John Baizley, Nick Jost, Sebastian Thomson and Gina Gleason, brings a fusion of stoner, doom metal and rock, which results in an absolute eargasm. Dave loves eargasms!

My favorite track on the album has got to be the stand out offering - Last Word. The frantic pace, coupled with an emotional sing along chorus is sure to leave you intrigued by what Stone has to offer. But what makes this track a standout is the odd timing patterns in the drums, which complement the sonically crushing sound. You cannot help butget excited by getting to the next track.

Beneath the Rose is another track that stands out. The aggression in the shredding riffs is absolutely intense. John Baizley's lower end chant reminds me of Henry Rollins and the Rollins band, which in itself is the highest praise. The chuggah riffs are broken up by an epic sing along chorus, which is simply put - monster.

After Beneath The Rose, the rest of the album falls a bit flat. Perhaps it is the hard hitting intro tracks that are such high points. But the rest of the offering can’t quite sit with Lost Word and Rose.

Baroness continues to deliver on their promises of great music with quiet consistency. The album has its share of high points, but falls a tad short in comparison to their previous works. Nevertheless, I give the Baroness Stone album a 7.8 out of 10.

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